Former Clients

The key to performing better at work and in life? It lies in that quiet, resilient part of us that often remains hidden. We need to tap into the champion that lives within us.


As a sought after motivational speaker, Cesalina has traveled the world sharing her inspirational stories at Fortune 500 companies and events. Whether captivating crowds of up to 70,000 individuals or fostering meaningful connections with youth groups, her impact is undeniable.

Speaking Opportunities


A motivational speech that unlocks extraordinary potential for leadership, creativity, resilience, focus, performance and well-being. This format will leave your team fired up and ready to take action.

Drawing from her unique experience in summiting the world’s highest peak, Mount Everest, and coming from the biggest fighting dynasty on the planet, Cesalina identifies strategic applications between the fundamental principles of jiu-jitsu, and the profound challenges that define our lives.

Audience Takeaways


A team-building session that combines a motivational speech with light movement and breathwork. This session will delve deep into the principles of jiu-jitsu, with interactive activities for each principle to help your team connect and practice together.

Participants will learn the art of maneuvering through adversity, harnessing resilience and channeling one’s strength, in an engaging, authentic and transformative experience.

Audience Takeaways

Fireside chat

An engaging and customized speech designed to equip your team with actionable lessons.

During the Fireside chat, Cesalina illustrates the correlations between the mental and physical tools found in jiu-jitsu, demonstrating how they can be applied beyond the mats to cultivate the mindsets and behaviors essential for peak performance.

This intimate setting encourages attendees to actively participate, ask questions, and seamlessly implement the strategies into their current environment.

Audience Takeaways

Praise for Cesalina's Speaking

Book Cesalina Gracie for an Inspiring Speaking Engagement!

Elevate your event with a renowned speaker and Martial Arts expert. Experience a transformational talk on overcoming challenges, building resilience, and achieving success.