About Cesalina

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“Hello! I am Cesalina Gracie”

Keynote Speaker
+ Entrepreneur
+ Jiu-Jitsu Expert and a

Wonder Woman

Coming from the biggest fighting dynasty in the world, I’ve been immersed in Martial Arts since birth. My grandfather, Grand Master Carlos Gracie Sr., was a pioneer in the art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and a pivotal force behind the creation of the UFC, a fighting organization millions of fans follow around the world. But my journey doesn’t stop there.

Last year, I faced one of the toughest challenges of my life: summiting Mount Everest, during its deadliest season ever. It was an experience that tested every ounce of my strength, resilience, and determination. But I made it to the top, becoming the eighth Brazilian woman to conquer the world’s highest peak.

Now, I’m wholeheartedly dedicated to sharing the invaluable lessons I’ve learned and the tools I’ve acquired along my journey. Whether I’m teaching women and girls in my studio, or addressing C-suite executives at corporate events, I apply the principles of jiu-jitsu to unlock extraordinary potential – for creativity, resilience, focus, courage and well-being.

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My Mission is Simple

To empower women and girls by teaching them to confidently use their voice, adopt a posture of strength, and develop a mindset focused on self-worth and resilience. I utilize the principles of Jiu-Jitsu as a tool for personal growth and self-defense, so they can lead fearlessly and thrive in every aspect of life.

Cesalina Gracie

My Journey

From a young girl attending my family’s Jiu-Jitsu tournaments and helping out at my Dad’s merchandise booth to becoming a world-renowned self-defense expert, entrepreneur, and motivational speaker is nothing short of inspiring – but it didn’t come without its challenges.

With a childhood immersed in the jiu-jitsu culture and philosophy, my passion for the art grew organically, fueling my determination to create a space exclusively for women and girls. But my idea wasn’t well received or understood at first. It took me years of hard work and unwavering commitment to make it a reality.

Now, as a prominent figure in the female empowerment movement, I channel my expertise and experiences into empowering women and girls worldwide. Through my teachings, speeches, and entrepreneurial ventures, I strive to instill the values of confidence, strength, and resilience that I have cultivated on my incredible journey. Having recently made history by becoming the eighth Brazilian woman to summit Mount Everest, I hope my story serves as a beacon of hope and possibility, demonstrating the transformative power of dedication, perseverance, and a steadfast belief in oneself.

 From fighting for space in the jiu-jitsu world

To summiting Mount Everest